Ebook of Schaechter's Mechanisms of Microbial Disease PDF Download
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Ebook of Veterinary Infection Biology: Molecular Diagnostics and High-Throughput Strategies PDF Download
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Veterinary Infection Biology: Molecular Diagnostics and High-Throughput Strategies
by Mónica V. Cunha, João Inácio
This volume provides an overview of molecular biology tools for pathogen detection and characterization. Focusing on biobanking, biosafety, good laboratory practices, biological specimen collection and processing, quality assurance and control, validation of molecular diagnostic assays for veterinary use; molecular detection and identification of animal pathogens using a wide range of established techniques and covering, also, emerging diagnosis approaches; genotyping tools for assessing the genetic landscape and epidemiology of pathogens; and integrative omics and high-throughput technologies as powerful research tools. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.
Authoritative and practical, Veterinary Infection Biology: Molecular Diagnostics and High-Throughput Strategies aids scientists in continuing to study a broad range of molecular approaches, from simple and affordable to emerging and sophisticate.
This volume provides an overview of molecular biology tools for pathogen detection and characterization. Focusing on biobanking, biosafety, good laboratory practices, biological specimen collection and processing, quality assurance and control, validation of molecular diagnostic assays for veterinary use; molecular detection and identification of animal pathogens using a wide range of established techniques and covering, also, emerging diagnosis approaches; genotyping tools for assessing the genetic landscape and epidemiology of pathogens; and integrative omics and high-throughput technologies as powerful research tools. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.
Authoritative and practical, Veterinary Infection Biology: Molecular Diagnostics and High-Throughput Strategies aids scientists in continuing to study a broad range of molecular approaches, from simple and affordable to emerging and sophisticate.
- Series: Methods in Molecular Biology (Book 1247)
- Hardcover: 536 pages
- Publisher: Humana Press; 2015 edition (November 16, 2014)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1493920030
- ISBN-13: 978-1493920037
Premium Book of The Bacteriology of Tuberculosis Free Download
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Posted on 10:45 AM
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The Bacteriology of Tuberculosis
The Bacteriology of Tuberculosis
by Egons Darzins
by Egons Darzins
Pages: 488 pp
Publisher: --
Edition: 1958
Language: English
The Bacteriology of Tuberculosis was first published in 1958. Although tuberculosis is one disease against which, it may be said with little argument, medical science has scored tremendous victories, the goal of complete conquest still lies ahead. To fix accurate sights for that goal, a thorough understanding of the present status of knowledge about the disease is needed. This volume is published in response to that need. Through an exhaustive study of the literature on tuberculosis bacteriology from the late nineteenth century to the present, Dr. Darzins presents a comprehensive account of the knowledge and practices which have developed in this field. An important aspect is the discussion of the relatively new problems raised in bacteriological science by recent advances in the use of chemotherapeutics, antibiotics, and surgery for the treatment of tuberculosis. The first section is devoted to the morphology and cytology of the tubercle bacillus. Here Dr. Darzins outlines the physical, biological, and chemical methods of identifying cell structures. In the next section he considers the sources of energy and growth of the bacillus. He proceeds in the following section to a discussion of the methods of isolating and identifying the bacillus. The fourth part deals with a major problem of tuberculosis bacteriology, that of distinguishing the types of bacilli and determining their pathogenicity. In the final section he considers the problems of experimental work and points out the hazards and the need for precautions in laboratory work.
Ebook of Veterinary Microbiology: Bacterial and Fungal Agents of Animal Disease PDF Download
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Posted on 5:18 AM
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Veterinary Microbiology: Bacterial and Fungal Agents of Animal Disease
Veterinary Microbiology: Bacterial and Fungal Agents of Animal Disease, 1e 1st Edition
by J. Glenn Songer (Author), Karen W. Post (Author)
Containing the latest information on pathogenesis and diagnosis, Veterinary Microbiology addresses both specific, defined problems, as well as trends in host/parasite interaction. This book is a complete reference on microbial biology, diseases, diagnosis, prevention, and control. It also provides a foundation of knowledge on pathogens and how they interact with hosts.
- Contains a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of bacterial and fungal agents that cause animal disease, including recently identified organisms as well as the pathogenesis of emerging diseases.
- Features more than 100 full-color illustrations to visually reinforce key concepts.
- The book is logically organized for ease of use and quick reference in the clinical setting.
- Addresses diseases that can affect animal productivity, both for individual animals as well as herd health.
- Discusses the implications of various organisms in biological warfare and bioterrorism.
- Paperback: 448 pages
- Publisher: Saunders; 1 edition (December 7, 2004)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0721687172
- ISBN-13: 978-0721687179
Premium Book of Principles and Practice of Clinical Bacteriology Free Download
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Posted on 8:04 PM
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Principles and Practice of Clinical Bacteriology
Principles and Practice of Clinical Bacteriology 2006
by Stephen Gillespie
by Stephen Gillespie
Pages: 620
Publisher: --
Edition: 2nd., 2006
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0470849767
Book Description
Since the first edition of Principles and Practice of Clinical Bacteriology in 1997, there has been a revolution in the discipline of microbiology. The availability of whole genome sequences has transformed our understanding of bacterial genetics, while new technologies such as proteomics and transcriptomics have greatly enhanced our insight into pathogenicity.
The application of computers to this stream of knowledge has enabled microbiologists to see pathogens in a new way and develop new theories explaining the pathogenesis of infection and to identify new targets for anti-microbial chemotherapy.
In this new, Second Edition, internationally recognised editors and contributors comprehensively describe the various aspects of clinical bacteriology.
Each chapter has been updated to include the most recent information and expanded to include more thorough treatment of the relevant drugs, molecular diagnosis and infection control.
Publisher: --
Edition: 2nd., 2006
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0470849767
Book Description
Since the first edition of Principles and Practice of Clinical Bacteriology in 1997, there has been a revolution in the discipline of microbiology. The availability of whole genome sequences has transformed our understanding of bacterial genetics, while new technologies such as proteomics and transcriptomics have greatly enhanced our insight into pathogenicity.
The application of computers to this stream of knowledge has enabled microbiologists to see pathogens in a new way and develop new theories explaining the pathogenesis of infection and to identify new targets for anti-microbial chemotherapy.
In this new, Second Edition, internationally recognised editors and contributors comprehensively describe the various aspects of clinical bacteriology.
Each chapter has been updated to include the most recent information and expanded to include more thorough treatment of the relevant drugs, molecular diagnosis and infection control.
Premium Book of Textbook of Microbiology & Immunology Free Download
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Posted on 8:46 AM
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Textbook of Microbiology & Immunology
The second edition of the Textbook of Microbiology and Immunology provides a fully updated text on various aspects of microbiology and infectious diseases, which makes it the most authoritative and informative text in medical microbiology. It is a must have book for preparing MBBS examination as well as for preparing PG entrance test.
- Clear, succinct, and comprehensive information on various aspects of microbiology and immunology.
- Thoroughly revised information.
- Key Points highlighting the need to know aspects of the discussed topics.
- Tables and figures for better understanding.
- Case studies at the end of chapters for self-assessment.
- Special emphasis on emerging and re-emerging pathogens and antimicrobial resistance.
- Color photographs to aid in better understanding.
- Covers recent advances in molecular diagnosis and vaccines.
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